United Success Network says that it is a legitimate donation-based crowdfunding platform. However, the efforts to hide important information from the investors is not likely a signal for a legitimate company. The website has got no information about the company’s owner or any names of the important individuals connected with the company.
The logo of the company implies that the company was established in 2008. But, the ‘whois’ results say a completely different story. The domain (unitedsuccessnetwork.com) was registered in January 2016 which is just 3 years back.
I did a few more screenings to find out YouTube marketing videos of United Success Network with the name “itsme1984rich”. On 14th December 2018, a video was uploaded on the YouTube channel which identified Charles Morgan identifies as the founder and CEO of United Success Network.
Further research did no gain as the name is new to the MLM community. Mostly, this is the first project of Charles Morgan.
The company has no retailable products or services. It only offers the affiliate program which requires $50 cycler position purchase for joining.
I believe that a company which is not completely transparent to its clients and investors should not be trusted. Especially, if it is an MLM company.
United Success Network – Compensation Plan
United Success Network uses 2X3 matrix cycler for the compensation plan. To start with, one needs to purchase $50 positions in a five-tier 2×3 matrix cycler.
An affiliate is placed on the top position in the 2X3 matrix cycler. Every affiliate has two positions under them. For example, two positions are placed under the top affiliate which is on the first level. Each of these two positions of the first level is further split into two positions forming a total of 4 positions on level 4 and this goes on until a total of 14 positions are filled.
Once this is done, the cycle is complete, and the commission is generated. Later, the positions are moved to the next tier of matrix cycle.
The cap is put on the fifth matrix tier and the commissions are shared as below:
- Matrix 1 – The cost for these positions is $50 – This commission for this cycle is $400. This generates a new Matrix 1 position and then cycles itself into Matrix 2 position (forfeit $100).
- Matrix 2 – The commission for this cycle is $800. This generates a new Matrix 2 position and cycles itself into Matrix 3 position (forfeit $250).
- Matrix 3 – The commission for this cycle is $2000. This generates a new Matrix 3 position and cycles itself into Matrix 4 position (forfeit $500).
- Matrix 4 – The commission for this cycle is $4000. This generates a new Matrix 4 position and cycles itself into Matrix 5 position (forfeit $1000).
- Matrix 5 – The commission for this cycle is $8000. This generates a new Matrix 5 position.
There is one more benchmark to receive commissions in this network. Each affiliate is required to recruit a minimum of 2 affiliates directly who must invest $50 each.
United Success Network – Reviews
Cheryl: This is a fake network. Everything seems flimsy. If you wish to save yourself from a huge loss, stay clear of this MLM opportunity. These guys are good at cheating others.
Maria T: I was very positive after listening to the reviews of this company only to realize that the reviews from my top affiliate were only to make me join this network. This was the worst decision of mine and I regret it very much.
The Conclusion from the above Reviews
This reviews very well suggest that this company is not what it seems from outside. You can very well judge the company by its attempts to keep secrets from the investors. No company with legitimate aim would do that until they have the fear of getting caught for something illegitimate.
The Verdict
The company says that it is a legitimate crowdfunding platform. However, the entire structure of their MLM program goes against that claim. No legitimate crowdfunding platform has the prerequisite of deposits to receive deposits from other members.
If you check the plan closely, you would find that the platform is just another Ponzi scheme with $50 in and $15200 out plans. The affiliates are baited for spending $50 in the promise of receiving $15200 ROI later.
This matrix cycler will only benefit those who are running them. In short, only Charles Morgan would be making a profit out of it. The plan has a glitch which is not very evident in the first look. After a position cycle, cycling again on the same tier requires the withdrawal of funds from the system without adding new funds. So, what if all the tiers are filled with these phantom positions over time. Wouldn’t that be the collapse of each tier?
Even then, Morgan would be making the maximum profit being at the top position and being able to cycle across all tiers.
So, after this system would fail, everyone will lose except Charles Morgan.
Unitedsuccessnetwork is not a ponzi scheme. I know Charles Morgan personally, and he is a
good christian, and believes in the golden rule which says, do unto others as you would have
others do unto you. I also have other friends involved in this program who are being Blest in a
great way by helping others. A wise man once said, crowd funding is not about collecting money,
but funding into someone elses life.