Have you joined a platform and yet wondered what its course could be?
Most times, we jump into schemes carelessly as recourse to earning part time or as our full time jobs.
This exposes us to some programmers who will take advantage of our desperation to their advantage.
Many have fallen prey. Maybe you too. Or me?
Well, experience drives us to want to ask informed questions before taking the leap into any program regardless of the projected benefits.
One such program that promises great and multiple profits is the setting up of a dropshipping business using a Shopify model. That is the line of business Jared Goetz has chosen to specialize in.
He created a dropshipping course he identified by name as eCom Hacks.
eCom Hacks is a program where he teaches his students how to set up an e-Commerce business using the promotional tools provided by Facebook Ads.
He also coined ‘drop surfing’ from dropshipping. His program is arranged in such a way that it will provide as much information as possible to anyone intending to begin a dropshipping business line.
Can ‘Dropsurfing’ be Trusted?
Well, trustworthiness in any online business is to be earned and not commanded.
This program has some good reviews which should make just anyone want to follow headlong.
After all, It’s all over instagram. If you don’t know, I reserve my comments.
However, you need not believe what ‘any’ and ‘anyone’ would manufacture for you yet as that ‘anyone’ can sit in his cupboard and draft a review these days.
You can be sure to get the proper and unbiased review here.
Get this, since their claims match their provisions to some extent, we could give them the credit of being trustworthy and recommendable.
That said let us observe closely what has come of their period of service.
In essence, we would look closely at their account of stewardship. Namely, what they have done with the client traffic they have generated thus far.
We definitely want to begin that business that would grant us the financial freedom we have desired so much.
In addition, considering the risks involved with internet use, especially internet business, it would not be unusual to look for a trusted source of income or part-time job.
Dropshipping has had its successes though.
What Does eCom Hacks Offer?
My concern here is a matter of finding the right and trustworthy training program that’s ready to give as much relevant information as possible.
Furthermore, it should be a course that would give you adequate returns for your money.Your hard earned money.
Given that Jared Goetz has offered this unique course, I would present to you a sound review to enable you determine if it could meet your expectations for the right kind of training needed for your preferred business venture.
Could eCom Hacks be that program for you?
That question would be answered in this article. Just beneath.
You need not look any further for an answer to that question.
I present to you my balanced review of this program.
Is eComHacks a scam?
Due to the vast number of dropshipping businesses online, you could sometimes be at a loss as to distinguishing helpful ones from scammers. Today, almost anyone wants to begin his own chain of online businesses.
Its quite expected to meet such resistance from any internet user, especially the new.
If you are here for the purpose of being cleared on the status of Jared Goertz’s eCom Hacks, you are surely at the right place.
eCom Hacks has been in business for some time and would normally have a good following. That said, you are sure to say it’s not a scam.
However, given the fact that a business is not a scam is not all that there is to its set up, it would be only appropriate to measure its success by assessing how well capital is converted to profit on its platform.
Since I wouldn’t bug you with much words, I present to you a balanced information on the practices at this dropshipping outfit. I hope you look closely.
Critical review of eCom Hacks
First off a review of the positive aspects of eCom Hacks,
- Jared Goertz’s program is all encompassing. It covers an extensive area of knowledge related to dropshipping. Topics included in this attractive program include: ways to start you store, how to convert prospects into customers, finding the right niche of products to sell, how to deal with domestic and overseas suppliers, creating and auctioning as campaigns, customer service issues, etc. The thoroughness demonstrate the competence of the presenter and the experience he has gotten from the hands-on work he has been doing in the business.
- eCom Hacks has a very active Facebook group where many persons involved with the business meet to share the field experience. The different classes of people in this group makes it possible to gain relevant experience from that of others and this is a means of motivation and support that could sustain the program for some time going forward.
- Jared Goertz has a very active social media lifestyle. This gives the program a wide exposure to the social media market. It generates sufficient traffic for the program through Goertz. He also has an active YouTube account where he regularly provides a lot of interesting free content for just anyone and everyone.
Just like any program out there with the best of packages, there is always a negative side. See below some of the challenges with this program.
- There is so much untruth and exaggeration in the video lectures provided. Just like many other marketing hypes, this program creates so much of an impression that it has much of what it doesn’t. Jared Goertz includes so many attractive words which do not really reflect the true content of the program.
- Registration on the program is way too expensive. This is not a reliable valuation for what the program represents. Besides, it almost shuts out beginners and lower earners from joining the program. This doesn’t include the cost of other expenses to make in starting and running your own business. It denies whatever fancy words Goertz It just does not consider affordability. With something around $2,000 for the program, it has just become one money making scheme for its creator.
- The eCom Hacks exposure is centred around Jared Goertz. He has made himself a fortune from his e-Commerce franchise. So what? He goes about flaunting his packaging and that tells nothing of his followership. He has got much more to offer. He needs to focus on his clients rather than himself. Does someone agree with me?
- The program ignores so many important areas that pose challenges to successful dropshipping. It seems a deliberate attempt to close off the challenges attending the e-Commerce business environment. On the long run, customers would hit rocks they have no idea whatsoever surpassing. It would have been better these troubles are highlighted earlier to enable the user stay abreast with the terrain.
- Jared Goertz’s eCom Hacks does not provide alternative advertising tools besides the use of Facebook Ads. This is really unfortunate for a business of this nature. He is expected to know by now how low the conversion rate is. It doesn’t really pay off. Besides, it is actually very expensive and not suitable for people with low capital.
The truth is that dropshipping is not as easy as some entrepreneurs like Jared Goertz may make it seem.
You need to really make consistent efforts to study, practice and improve to really make a headway with the program.
Keeping tabs on Facebook Ads is another part of the scheme that requires consistent commitment. You need to be able to commit long hours to perfecting, refreshing and monitoring Facebook Ads.
It’s a long process requiring much more effort than is portrayed.
Note, this is how get-rich-schemes look like.
My Conclusion
Jared Goertz’s eCom Hacks program is quite impressive but at a glance. On a closer look, you would just meet someone flaunting his array of cars and taste.
The course content is not thorough enough. Jared Goertz just teaches so much general content without driving home the main issues met in the field of practice.
I loved it from a distance up until I took a much closer look at what it presents.
Jared Goertz still has work to do on the program.
If he diverted the time spent more time improving his program instead of sharing videos of his luxurious cars, eCom Hacks would have become the better for it.
It you asked me what I my opinion would be on recommending eCom Hacks for a dropshipping course, I will not recommend that you join it.
It is better you tried another package which offers you more study content than the luxurious lifestyle of the presenter.
eCom Hacks is one such program with the potential of reaching the worldwide market faster than many other business training platforms would, yet having the wrong approach to its management.